2011년 12월 2일 금요일

minimum wage of Korea

when I was 19 years old, I had experience of part time job that the job is very harder than other part time job. so, I was paid minimum wage of  5000won. but I worked during 2 weeks because of hard job. since then, I have experience of military job. During military service, I get a salary of about 100000 won. at that time, I thought that army should be paid reasonable salary because army execute dangerous operation.

after I listen the presentation, I am surprised about a comparative table of many country minimum wage. many country is paid minimum wage more than Korea. I listen that Many international brand such as Chanel, BENZ, BMW and so on think Korea has many consumer. so I think that Korea is rich country. But Korea government decide minimum wage to be not reflected in the economic increase. so we think why this situation happen. The rich people are more richer but poor people are more poorer. I think Korea don't happen the redistribution of income. so rich people impose more tax. on the other hand, poor people impose less tax. I think that rich people have to contribute society and poor people.

I think Korea minimum wage should increase reasonably. government also should consider small business owner and employee each other. small business owner should offer reasonable minimum wage to employee. and employee should be satisfied with this minimum wage.

댓글 2개:

  1. I think yeah if employee satisfied with their job then then the employer would support their worker. but Korea government also should support the small business which can't afford to pay their worker's paycheck.

  2. I agree with you. Korean minimum wage is too low now. So it have to be increased
