2011년 12월 21일 수요일

my opinion about gps system

GPS system is very comfortable thing that GPS system is used to track the people , important product and to find the place where people arrive. But in now, many group of IT such as Google, apple store the information about tracking people. some people have think this problem is seroious. but I think this problem is not serious because GPS system's role is to track something. For example, I am very interested to use facebok check-in system. check-in system is used to be proud of going there. and many people use device about the smart phone, navigation system through the GPS system.
But the information to track something is not used to dangerous situation. Google and apple collect the information about tracking people. after this problem announce the media, google and apple change the policy of GPS system. but I think this policy is good because google send the coupon of which tracked by GPS system usually go to the shop. and then people use the coupon. and the shop sells more product.
overall, GPS system is convenient system. but this system is used to help people.

2011년 12월 16일 금요일

my thinking about Jeju naval base.

I listen the Jeju naval base issue through the TV. some jeju people oppose the problem. on the other hand, some jeju people agree with the problem.
why did people conflict each other?

I think this opposition deserve special consideration. but I think that our country is divided country. so, we should strengthen military force, naval service. Jeju island is located between Japan and China. We have united with US military since the outbreak of 6 25 war. I think our military declare the independence of alliance in future. after jeju naval base is constructed, jeju naval base damage beautiful jeju sightseeing and environment problem. but I think the most important thing is to strengthen the national defense because the china will be the best strong nation of world. China insists the coast between the China and Korea. and Japan insists that Dokdo is Japan's island because many future energy is buried at the coast between japan and Korea. and I think that jeju sightseeing problem have a solution that Jeju naval base be constructed environmental-friendly.
Overall, jeju naval base should be constructed because Korea should strengthen the military power. although many people oppose the problem about jeju naval base, we discuss peacefully each other. and then we insist the our rights of military power.

2011년 12월 8일 목요일

University tuition

after Korea economic rapidly developed, University tuition also have increased.
but, now, University tuition is not  handled common people family. so, many student should have part time job to earn some money. after 2000, a lot of mess media point out the problem that university tuition is very high. But government don't have solutions about University tuition problem. president lee have an electoral commitment about half university tuition. but until now, president lee don't keep an electoral commitment. so, many student protest University tuition. 
In presentation, After I know that Korean University tuition is the second highest of OECD countries, I am very surprised. In my case, after military service finished, my university tuition increase from nearly 1500000 to nearly 3000000. Wow!! If I enter private university, I should pay about 5000000. because university tuition is very high, some students give up the admission University. Because of money, some students lose rights to study.

To solve the University tuition problem, I think that like Europe, many university should be removed because Korea have a lot of university and government should support University except for poor private university. the government also offers a variety of choice to plan the student future.

2011년 12월 2일 금요일

minimum wage of Korea

when I was 19 years old, I had experience of part time job that the job is very harder than other part time job. so, I was paid minimum wage of  5000won. but I worked during 2 weeks because of hard job. since then, I have experience of military job. During military service, I get a salary of about 100000 won. at that time, I thought that army should be paid reasonable salary because army execute dangerous operation.

after I listen the presentation, I am surprised about a comparative table of many country minimum wage. many country is paid minimum wage more than Korea. I listen that Many international brand such as Chanel, BENZ, BMW and so on think Korea has many consumer. so I think that Korea is rich country. But Korea government decide minimum wage to be not reflected in the economic increase. so we think why this situation happen. The rich people are more richer but poor people are more poorer. I think Korea don't happen the redistribution of income. so rich people impose more tax. on the other hand, poor people impose less tax. I think that rich people have to contribute society and poor people.

I think Korea minimum wage should increase reasonably. government also should consider small business owner and employee each other. small business owner should offer reasonable minimum wage to employee. and employee should be satisfied with this minimum wage.

2011년 11월 25일 금요일

Physical punishment of school.

In Korea, since Japanese colonial period, many school have proceed military educating. so, many teacher train the students severely. since Japanese colonial period, many Korea people think that physical punishment is one of reasonable teaching methods. Now, since a superintendent of educational affairs elected in Seoul, a superintendent of educational affairs of Seoul insists that instead of physical punishment alternative punishment should be operated by teachers. In my experience of middle school, my teacher insist my class should not do the last class. so my teachers need physical punishment because of decreasing grade of student. I think my teacher's rule is somewhat dissatisfied. therefore, i think the some my opinions.

First, impolite students must be punished severely. Because impolite student obstruct education environment, many teachers do physical punishment. so, I think that school install class for impolite student. this class teach the voluntary service, and thinking to consider the other student. and then, my teacher should not do physical punishment.

second, many Korea people have to change thinking that physical punishment is reasonable teaching method. so, now then future teacher should be taught the alternate punishment. and students also insist that physical punishment don't cause increasing student grade.
so, physical punishment in school should disappear. we also change the thinking that physical punishment is one of teaching methods.

2011년 11월 17일 목요일

About CCTV in Korea

CCTV is very interesting topic. Korea is named CCTV republic. Because Korea has a lot of installed CCTV places where many people live and reside. Korea government thinks that a lot of CCTV have positive effects. CCTV also has positive effects. But I think Installing CCTV isn't the method. so, CCTV has many disputes.

In case of house, building, many Korea people think that installing CCTV is to protect house, and to look up throwing trash, and to maintain building, facility. Because of these reasons, many building owner and house owner install CCTV, since CCTV high-definition invented. now, CCTV can distinguish people's face and shape. Increased CCTV ability can easily protect our asset. But CCTV has the invasion of privacy.

In case of society, CCTV can see road situation and protect road accident. so, many Korea cities have a lot of CCTV. For example, society installs bus, metro, road and so on. CCTV helps pedestrian protect thief and sexual assault. Because of  these reason, foreigners think Korea is safe nation. and we feel to live in the safe place.

I think to install CCTV is the best way that protect our society. But, we think CCTV should install necessary places. Excessive CCTV protect personal privacy. CCTV has a lot of good thing but we know the invasion of privacy of CCTV.

2011년 11월 8일 화요일

A Dokdo ownership dispute between Korea and Japan.

During this week presentation, I remind to fight over the issue about Dokdo between Korea and Japan over again. Now, Japan is undergoing aftereffects of Fukushima earthquake and economic problems. so Japan copes with a disaster because of this reason. Japan cannot afford to mention Dokdo problem. I think that Now is the time for foreign countries to recognize that Dokdo is Korean island. our government has proceeded no response about Dokdo.
since 1900, Japan have insisted their rights to own Dokdo. Japan sometimes writes the history textbook that from the first, Japan has owned Dokdo. so Korea compulsorily has insisted Dokdo's right of ownership. And Japan raises a global suit. But Korea government doesn't response about these actions of Japan. If I am Korean president, I think that Korea government constructively copes with Japan, and Korea government makes the foreigner recognize Korean island Dokdo. also, I think Korea government develops Dokdo's trip route. along this route If many Korean people and other foreigners see Dokdo's beautiful views many people don't clearly forget Dokdo. I think this is truly silent fight.
According to the press, The ocean floor around the Dokdo is covered a lot of natural energy and biological resources. Because of these reason,  I think that Japan insists the ownership of Dokdo island to prepare for future.
so that's all just my opinion. Thank you for reading my journal.